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Vlasov, O., Tkachev, S., & Prorokov, V. (2017). COLORECTAL CANCER AND FEATURES OF ITS METASTASIS. Voprosy Onkologii, 63(3), 450–455.


The article analyzes the frequency of regional metastasis detection in patients with operative colorectal cancer as well as the frequency and patterns of the appearance of distant metastases depending on the presence or absence of regional metastases, tumor localization and the method of treatment. It was found that the frequency of distant metastases in colorectal cancer depended mainly on the presence or absence of metastases in the regional lymph nodes. Some influence on the decrease in the frequency of distant metastasis was exacerbated by the preoperative radiation exposure by radiomodifiers and on the increase - the interval between the end of the radiation treatment phase and the moment of surgery. In rectal cancer the localization of distant metastases depended on the level of tumor localization. In colon cancer the major part (81.6%) of distant metastases was located in the liver, the rest 18.4% -extrahepatic and was represented by peritoneum dissemination, metastases in the ovary and retroperitoneal lymph nodes. Among colon cancer patients after the combined treatment there were no cases of tumor dissemination through the abdominal cavity and the appearance of lymphogenous metastases.
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