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How to Cite

Yunusova, N., Kondakova, I., Afanasev, S., Kolomiets, L., & Chernyshova, A. (2017). MALIGNANT TUMORS ASSOCIATED WITH METABOLIC SYNDROME: THE EXPRESSION PROFILE OF THE TRANSCRIPTIONAL AND GROWTH FACTORS. Voprosy Onkologii, 63(6), 817–823.


The study of the pathogenetic features of malignant tumors associated with metabolic syndrome (MS) is relevant because of high incidence of these tumors. Investigations of the mechanisms of involvement of MS in the pathogenesis of cancer reasonably supplemented by the study of transcription and growth factors associated with energy imbalance of the cell and involved in proliferation, apoptosis, angiogenesis, cell motility and inflammation. More research is needed to identify the most promising molecular targets for therapy of malignant tumors associated with MS with a view to increasing the survival and quality of life of these patients.
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