Purpose: To study short-term outcomes of thermochemoradiotherapy (TCRT) followed by radical surgery in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Materials and methods: The study included 38 patients with stage III lung cancer, who were treated at the Cancer Research Institute of the TNIMC (Tomsk, Russia). The study group patients (n=18) received combined modality treatment consisting of hyperfractionated radiation therapy (40 Gy total dose in twice-daily fractions of 1.3 Gy each) given concurrently with 2 cycles of chemotherapy with paclitaxel / carboplatin after 10 sessions of local hyperthermia followed by surgery. In the control group (n = 20), only surgical treatment was performed. Results: The overall tumor response to TCRT was 94.4%, including complete response (22.2%) and partial response (72.2%). All patients tolerated local hyperthermia well. All patients (100%) underwent radical surgery. There were 23 (60.5%) lobectomies, 13 (34.2%) pneumonectomies and 2 (5.3%) combined surgeries. Postoperative complications were observed in 22.2% of patients in the study group and in 20.0% of patients in the control group. The mortality rates were 0 and 5.0%, respectively (р>0.05). Conclusion: Preoperative TCRT in patients with stage III NSCLC resulted in a significant tumor regression, was well tolerated by the patients and did not have a negative impact on postoperative period and mortality.
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